ARM HAL toolbox (STM32 HAL based)
HARMcksL stands for:
- Hacks
- Harm: what do you expect running with scissors?
... coming to you bundled in one library. Use it at your own risk!
- ADC_ex: Extensions for ADC peripherals (convenient way to acquire and convert ADC channels AIO)
- CRC_stm32: Function dealing with STM32 CRC peripheral
- exceptions: Exceptions debug tool helpers
- flash_check: Function to check flash CRC
- GPIO_ex: Extensions for GPIOs (R/W) and wrapper for other GPIO extensions modules
- GPIO_in: GPIO input handling
- GPIO_out: GPIO output handling
- Logic_ex: Extensions for logic variables (R/W) and wrapper for other Logic extensions modules
- Logic_in: Logic input handling
- Logic_out: Logic output handling
- PWM_IC: PWM Input Capture handling
- PWM_GPIO: GPIO PWM emulation handling
- PWM: Straightforward PWM handling
- random_utils: (A little less pseudo) random numbers generation utilities
- RTC_ex: Basic RTC handling
- stack_utils: Stack utilities
- stdream_rdir: Stream redirection (workaround without using syscalls redirections for console, somehow deprecated)
- tick_utils: Core ticks related utilities
- TIM_ex: Extensions for TIM peripherals
- time_utils: Time related utilities
- UART_term: UART terminal
- USB_CDC_IF_ex: Extensions for USB VCP
- WDG_ex: Extensions for WDG peripherals
- workload: Workload estimation utilities
The toolbox uses sarmfsw headers library
Doxygen doc can be generated using "Doxyfile"
See generated documentation
Release Notes
See release notes